Keeping Structured With Summer Strategies – Part 1

Our kids are always so excited to be done with school and start summer vacation – but summer can be a busy time for us parents. Without the school day to structure our time around, it can be easy to fall out of routines, lose track of time, and before you know it, summer is over! Summer can also be a very active time, with lots of extra trips and activities for our kids that put them in new or unfamiliar situations, which might end up being overstimulating for kids with sensory sensitivities.

This is why I like to use “Summer Strategies” – ways to plan ahead to help keep my kids regulated for the whole summer. 

This blog is part 1 of a series that will go through my 4 biggest summer strategies that I feel like can be used by pretty much anyone to help keep their kids regulated throughout the summer so that they (and you!) can have a great summer break. 

Sticking to Routines

This first strategy is probably one of the most important – keeping structured. All kids need structure to thrive, but it is an absolute necessity for kids with sensory sensitivities. One of the most important things you can do over summer break is to do your best to keep it as structured as possible. During the school year, the days are very organized, and children generally know exactly what to expect, which is a big help when it comes to transitioning between activities. 

Transitions are a sticking point for many kids, but especially those with sensory sensitivities. The best way to ease those transitions is to make sure that your child is as aware as possible of upcoming changes so that they aren’t a surprise. Keeping structured is the best way to do this! The more your children know what to expect, the better they can mentally and emotionally prepare to stop one activity and start another, and they won’t be caught off-guard when it’s time to change gears to do something different. 

Try to have a daily routine around the house and stick to it as much as possible. Eating at the same time of day, having play time and quiet time at the same time each day, and even having a time of day that is specifically for going out (such as to the store or to an appointment, etc.) can be a huge help with keeping kids emotionally regulated. It can give them a similar sense of structure that they would get out of a school day. Knowing what to expect from their day can help them be prepared and help those tricky transition times run a little smoother.

Visual Schedules

Of course, it’s impossible to keep to the exact same schedule every day, but even a little structure goes a long way. And one of the best tools to help kids with structure and routine is a visual schedule. Whether you use a whiteboard, a velcro board, or something similar, having your child’s schedule clearly displayed for them so they always know what to expect can be a huge help, especially when you want them to be prepared for upcoming activities. 

A visual schedule is a way to display your schedule using pictures so that it’s easy to see at a glance, and also easy to understand for children who can’t read yet. It’s best placed somewhere where you child will always see it, such as on a bedroom wall or door. Then you can go over the schedule with your child every morning and point out upcoming events or activities that will be different than their familiar routine.

You can have a daily, weekly, or monthly visual schedule depending on what works best for your child. This can also be an opportunity to help your younger children get a better grasp on time-related concepts as they count down the days to a fun trip or activity. Having a schedule up isn’t just for younger kids though–older kids get a lot of benefit out of it too. Ensuring the whole family is on the same page about summer activities will help everyone mentally and emotionally prepare for the days ahead. 

Stay Structured This Summer With Stacy’s Sensory Solutions

Even with structure and schedules, transition times will always be tricky for many kids. But having a routine and knowing what’s up ahead can still be a big help to mitigate the worst of the trouble. 

Hopefully, having a solid routine to stick to will help give you as a parent more of a structure to lean against as well! The amount of structure and routine you need will be different for everyone, so as long as you find what works best for you and your family, you’ll be in good shape to have an easier summer break. 

If you’re ready to take those first steps into summer comfort, visit Stacy’s Sensory Solutions in Plano to find the ultimate selection of calming activities and equipment.

Contact us today or explore our online store to learn more about our sensory products!

Executive Dysfunction 101

One of the key symptoms in autism and ADHD is something called executive dysfunction. This is a broad term that covers a range of issues that arise from the brain’s executive functioning being disordered, and it characterizes many of the common signs and behaviors that most people associate with autism and ADHD (although executive dysfunction is also present in many other neurological and behavioral disorders such as addiction and chronic depression). 

Some aspects of executive dysfunction include difficulty with executing and prioritizing tasks, getting very fixated or very distracted, trouble following directions, anxiety when routines change, time blindness, and more.

This article will cover one of the biggest hurdles that people face with executive dysfunction –  the brain’s inability to recognize tasks, make plans, and execute them – and a few strategies that you can try to help work through it.

The Task-Plan-Execution Process

Typically, the average brain is able to recognize a task, make a plan for the task, and then execute it. The thought process of someone without executive dysfunction may look something like this:

  • Notices there are dirty dishes by the sink
  • Thinks that they should get off of the couch to put them in the dishwasher
  • Stands up and goes to the sink and puts the dishes in the dishwasher

They were able to see a task that needed to be done (the dishes), made a plan to complete the task (put them in the dishwasher), and then executed this plan (got up and put the dishes in the dishwasher). 

While this may seem simple, for people with executive dysfunction, this process can get interrupted, stalled, or not even begin. A person facing the same task with executive dysfunction may have the following thought process:

  • Notices there are dirty dishes by the sink
  • Thinks that they should get off of the couch to put them in the dishwasher
  • Thinks that they should get off of the couch to put them in the dishwasher
  • Thinks that they should get off of the couch to put them in the dishwasher
  • Thinks that they should get off of the couch to put them in the dishwasher
  • Thinks that they should get off of the couch to put them in the dishwasher

Or the thought process may look something like this:

  • Notices there are dirty dishes by the sink
  • Thinks that they should get off of the couch to put them in the dishwasher
  • Thinks about how that means they’ll have to put their phone down and sit up and stand up from the couch and walk into the kitchen and then turn on the water and wait for it to get warm and then pick up the dishes to rinse them off which will get their hands wet and they might touch wet food and then they’ll have to open the dish washer and lean over to put the dish inside of it and then they’ll have to grab another dish and do it over and over again
  • They get overwhelmed and stay on the couch

Or even like this:

  • They don’t notice the dirty dishes by the sink so they don’t get done

These are very simplified examples, but they show different ways in which someone was unable to complete the task-plan-execution process. It can present in many different ways, but many people with executive dysfunction report frequently feeling “stuck”, knowing there is something they should do, but being physically unable to execute the task. This applies to all sorts of tasks, not just things like work or chores – someone with executive dysfunction will also have trouble starting enjoyable “tasks” such as working on a hobby or turning on a movie.

For someone looking in from the outside, they might assume that someone experiencing this form of executive dysfunction is “lazy” or “procrastinating” – but they are actually experiencing a very real physical symptom of a disorder. This is one of the reasons it can be difficult to identify signs of executive dysfunction if you are not familiar with them. Even for the person experiencing them, they might just become upset or frustrated with themselves for being “lazy” or unable to accomplish “basic” tasks that others don’t struggle with in the same way. 

Another thing to keep in mind is that executive dysfunction is a very broad term that encompasses many different processes in the brain. It can present very differently from one person to another, and can affect a person differently from day-to-day depending on a variety of factors from medicine, sleep, diet, or simply how well their brain is processing information that day. 

How To Help

Since everyone’s brain works differently, there is not a one-size-fits-all strategy for dealing with executive dysfunction. You will have to try different ones and see which ones work for you or your child. The ones listed here are only for helping with the task-plan-execute process, and are just a small fraction of the ideas out there – if these don’t click with you, then don’t be discouraged, just keep looking around and keep trying until you find something that works for you. 

Visual Timers and Schedules (Task)

If starting a task or even remembering or recognizing that there is a task to be done is an issue, then using visual aids can be a powerful tool.

For those that have trouble forming habits and remembering daily chores, having a visual schedule to look at and see what needs to be done can be very helpful. 

For children getting ready in the morning for school, you could put up a board where they will see it that has a picture to remind them of all the steps they need to take – making the bed, brushing their teeth, getting dressed, brushing their hair, and so on. You can adapt this for any process that you or your child have trouble remembering all of the steps for. It can also lessen the mental load of your or your child’s brain of having to work harder than others to remember the steps.

Another very common issue with executive dysfunction is being unable to start a task – even when this task is enjoyable, such as working on a hobby. Everyone’s brain is wired differently, but usually the mental block is coming from one of two places; the task seems too big to start, and your brain is having trouble figuring out how to begin and gets overwhelmed with how much there is to do, or the energy required to switch from doing one thing to something else seems too much so you just get stuck. 

For both of these problems, the 2-minute rule can be a good option to try. Set a timer for 2 minutes and tell yourself that you only have to do this task for 2 minutes and then you can stop, no strings attached. This can take away the pressure of doing a big task or the perceived amount of energy it will take to switch tasks, and more often than not, once you’ve started, you’ll feel like you can keep going. You can even keep resetting the timer – keeping that exit open to stop the task after 2 minutes can keep the pressure off of doing a big task. Having a visual timer with color cues can be really helpful, especially for children who might have trouble conceptualizing how long 2 minutes is. 

Remove Barriers Before They Become a Problem (Plan)

If there are common tasks that you know are a problem for you or your child, taking some time to identify the exact barriers within the task can be a big help in figuring out work-arounds. This can be tricky with children, because they might have difficulty conceptualizing and verbalizing what exactly they are having trouble with, but patience and some creative thinking will go a long way to working it out.

Many times when it’s the “plan” part of the task-plan-execution process that gets disrupted, it’s because the brain is having trouble with the sequencing or prioritizing of the correct steps and getting overwhelmed, or having trouble remembering all of the steps that need to occur. 

Using as many organizational strategies as possible can be a big help with this – the less planning and decision-making your brain has to do in the moment, the easier it is to get your task completed. This can work well for daily or weekly tasks, such as cooking or cleaning. 

For example, if you tend to get stuck or overwhelmed over cooking dinner during the week, a strategy that works for some is to store all the ingredients for a recipe together in the fridge or pantry, such as in a clear bin. That way you don’t have to decide what to cook and you don’t have to remember what ingredients you need or go gather them up – you just have to pull out your bin and it’s already all there for you in one place. 

Removing barriers sometimes requires creative thinking – the solution doesn’t always seem logical or it will require doing things in a different way that you normally wouldn’t consider. Some small examples:

  • You need to sweep the kitchen after dinner, but you frequently forget or don’t have the energy to open the storage closet and retrieve the broom because the door is acting as a mental barrier.
    • Keep the broom in the kitchen instead. Seeing it will be a visual reminder to sweep and the door is no longer a barrier.
  • Your child hates when they have to do the dishes.
    • Talk to them and work through what exactly is so upsetting to them about doing the dishes. You find out that the transition from dry hands to wet hands is distressing for them. 
    • Get them some gloves for cleaning so their hands can stay dry.
  • You struggle to remember to bring trash with you out of your car and your car ends up cluttered and messy.
    • Keep a set of full-sized trash bags in your car. The trash will have somewhere to go, and when it’s full you can just drive it to the dumpster.
  • You forget your water bottle when going from room to room, so you aren’t drinking enough water.
    • Keep a water bottle in each room that you frequently go in so you don’t have to worry about remembering your water bottle. Having much easier access to water will make it easier to stay hydrated. 

Removing barries before they happen requires some pre-planning, but building up systems to have in place that can help your or our child succeed is well worth it. These systems usually take time to build up, and they’ll change and evolve as you find things that do and don’t work, but learning to be on the lookout for ways to make your life easier is a valuable skill that can take time to develop. 

Re-Direct (Execute)

Sometimes focusing too hard on trying to start a task creates a mental block that just makes it harder and harder the more you push against it. When you realize you are stuck in a loop of trying to make yourself get up and start the task, try working with your brain instead of against it. Give yourself permission to not do that task. Letting go of that pressure to do the task can take away the heaviness of that mental block, and you might be able to circle back and try doing the task later. 

If possible, try doing an adjacent task; instead of doing the dishes, see if you can do a quick wipe-down of the counters, or instead of putting your phone down to stop scrolling, just close your eyes for 30 seconds. There’s a good chance that once you are already in the kitchen it will feel a lot easier to put a dish or two in the dishwasher, and once your eyes are closed for a little bit, it’s much easier to put your phone down to stop doom-scrolling. Adjacent tasks give you a chance to trick your brain into transitioning into the original task. Even if doing an adjacent task is not possible, or if it is but you still aren’t able to transition to the original task, doing anything else at all will still get you out of the executive dysfunction loop, which is the most important thing. 

Overcome Executive Functioning Issues With Stacy’s Sensory Solutions By Your Side

People will have good days and bad days with executive functioning and brain processing. If you can use your good days to your advantage and make things easier for you during the bad days, your life will be much smoother overall. But it’s also important to be kind to yourself on the bad days. Executive dysfunction is a tricky beast, and we only covered a small aspect of it, but the better you understand it, the better you’ll be able to understand yourself, your child, or anyone else you may know that struggles with it. 

At Stacy’s Sensory Solutions, we provide our customers with an assortment of tools that can help make executive dysfunction a more manageable feat. From timers to fidget toys that can help center the mind, we’re here to make life a little easier. Shop around on our site or visit or Plano store to learn more!

Welcome to Stacy’s Sensory Solutions in Plano, Texas

Living with sensory processing disorder can be an overwhelming challenge. The world bombards us with lights, sounds, textures, and smells that most people hardly notice. 

But for those with sensory issues, this constant stimulation feels intensified and inescapable. Daily tasks like getting dressed, going to school, or running errands become monumental hurdles. You need someone on your side, and that’s where Stacy’s Sensory Solutions steps in to help.

A Haven for the Sensory Community in Plano

At Stacy’s Sensory Solutions, we understand the unique struggles faced by kids, adults, and seniors with sensory needs. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to create a warm, welcoming space filled with thoughtfully designed products to help bring comfort, focus, and functionality. 

Our Plano store is a local haven for the sensory community in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. From our proprietary weighted blankets to fidget tools, we carefully select calming products to ease anxieties and improve emotional regulation. 

Sensory Tools for Cognitive Enrichment

For those seeking cognitive engagement, we partner with leading brands to offer skill-building toys, games, and accessories. These captivating tools are designed to foster creative thinking, problem-solving abilities, and confidence. Whether you’re a parent looking to encourage your child’s development or an adult seeking mentally stimulating activities, you’ll find plenty of options at our brick-and-mortar location.  

Daily Living Aids for Sensory Needs

We also provide an array of assistive items tailored for daily living. Our selection includes grooming kits, specialty brushes, and timing tools to aid habits and necessary routines. You’ll even find housewares like food dishes designed for those with eating difficulties. We truly aim to be a one-stop shop beyond our online store for all your sensory needs.

Personalized Sensory Room Design

Stacy’s Sensory Solutions isn’t just about products – we’re about creating nurturing environments. If you enter our shop and become drawn to creating a sensory room or space in your home or business, we’re ready to help!

Our expert team can help design personalized sensory rooms and spaces, transforming areas in your home, school, or workplace. These therapeutic settings provide a calm oasis to practice self-regulation, explore different sensory inputs safely, and simply find peace.

Our Compassionate, Experienced Team

Step through our doors, and our compassionate, experienced staff will welcome you with open arms and open hearts. We’ll listen to your unique situation, learn what calms and motivates you or your loved one, and guide you through our diverse selection. Think of us as your sensory specialists dedicated to improving daily life through the right tools and strategies.

Find Relief and Enrichment at Our Plano Sensory Store

If you’re seeking relief, enrichment, or better comprehension of sensory processing disorder, make Stacy’s Sensory Solutions your first stop. Discover how the right sensory input can unlock new doors and open up a whole new, comfortable, engaging world. Your journey towards a higher quality of life can start right here in Plano at our storefront.

Visit us today at 1220 Coit Road in Plano. Or give us a call at (972) 599-1220 to learn more about how our sensory solutions can improve you or a loved one’s life.

Aromatherapy Approaches to Sensory Regulation

For a parent, nothing is more heartbreaking than seeing one’s child struggle with the world around them. Sensory sensitivities — whether they cause overwhelm or a need for extra intensity — can make everyday life challenging.

While traditional therapies are vital, aromatherapy offers a complementary, natural approach to supporting a child’s sensory needs.

Understanding Sensory Processing Differences

Our bodies constantly take in information about the world through our senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell, body awareness (proprioception), and movement (vestibular). Sensory processing is how our brains organize and make sense of all this input.

When a child has sensory processing differences, their brain processes sensory information atypical. Here’s how it can manifest:

Hypersensitivity (Extra Sensitive)

Some sensory channels might be overly sensitive, leading to an exaggerated response to everyday sensations. For example:

  • An ordinarily quiet classroom can sound deafening.
  • The feeling of clothes on their skin can be intensely irritating.
  • Bright lights might feel painful.

Hyposensitivity (Less Sensitive)

Other sensory channels might be under-responsive, needing more stimulation to register the sensation. For example:

  • A child might not notice if they get hurt.
  • They may enjoy flavors that others find overwhelmingly spicy or sour.
  • They might constantly be on the move, seemingly unaware of their body in space.

Mixed Response

Some children may have a mix of hyper- and hyposensitivities across different senses or even within the same sense at different times.

Sensory Overload and Sensory Seeking

When the brain is bombarded with too much input or seemingly minor sensations feel intense, a child can experience sensory overload. This might look like:

  • Covering ears or becoming visibly upset in noisy environments.
  • Meltdowns or shutdowns triggered by textures, smells, or unexpected touch.
  • Withdrawing from social situations and seeming easily overwhelmed.

Sensory Seeking

Children who crave extra intense input might self-regulate by seeking out those experiences. This might look like:

  • Constantly fidgeting, spinning, or crashing into things.
  • Chewing on non-food items or seeking out intense flavors.
  • Deliberately making loud noises or engaging in risky physical activities.

With the proper support and understanding, children with sensory processing differences can learn strategies to manage their environment and feel more comfortable in their bodies.

How Aromatherapy Can Help

Aromatherapy for anxiety involves using plant-based essential oils to support well-being. The powerful scents of these oils can interact with our olfactory system (sense of smell), which is directly linked to the brain’s limbic system — the center of emotion and memory.

Here’s how aromatherapy can benefit children with sensory sensitivities:

Calming Scents for Hypersensitivity

Oils like lavender, chamomile, and frankincense are well known for their soothing properties. When a child is overwhelmed, calming scents can help reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, and improve sleep.

Alerting Scents for Hyposensitivity

Citrus oils like lemon, grapefruit, peppermint, and rosemary can be invigorating. They may increase focus, boost energy levels, and enhance overall alertness.

Grounding Blends for Regulation

Certain essential oil combinations can create a sense of balance and grounding. This can be especially helpful during transitions or challenging situations.

Aromatherapy Methods

There are a few tried and true methods for administering aromatherapy.


Diffusers release essential oils into the air. Choose low settings and short durations, and let your child choose whether to stay in the room.

Topical Application

There are essential oil products that are specifically meant for topical application, typically in a bottle with a roller ball applicator. You can apply to pulse points on the wrists, neck, or feet. Always test a small area for skin sensitivity first, and always read the instructions to see if the oil you are using is formulated for topical use.

Aromatherapy Accessories

Special necklaces, bracelets, or even small cloth items can discreetly hold small amounts of diluted essential oil for personal use throughout the day.

Let Stacy’s Sensory Solutions Help With Your Child’s Sensitivities

Aromatherapy can be a valuable addition to your child’s toolkit. It offers a gentle way to ease anxiety, boost alertness, and support overall sensory regulation.

Is your child struggling with sensory sensitivities? Stacy’s Sensory Solutions understands! We offer individualized support and a curated selection of child-safe aromatherapy products and resources. Reach out today or visit our Plano store to learn how we can help your child thrive.

The Signs of Sensory Processing Disorder in Children – and their Solutions!

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), also known as Sensory Integration Dysfunction, is a fairly common disorder, with higher rates in children with ADHD or on the autism spectrum. This disorder makes it difficult for children to properly process input from their different senses. 

As a result, they may have trouble integrating these senses to interact with their environment. While the exact causes of SPD are unknown, research suggests it likely stems from differences in how the brain processes sensory information. 

But there’s no need to worry –  with proper support in place, children with sensory sensitivities can thrive.

Let’s take a look at common signs that a child may have sensory processing issues and highlight helpful products from Stacy’s Sensory Solutions.

Common Signs of Sensory Processing Disorder

Because sensory processing disorder affects the integration of different senses, the signs can vary greatly from child to child depending on which senses are most impacted. Here are some of the most common indicators a child may have sensory processing issues:

Extreme Sensitivities

Overly sensitive to sounds, textures, tastes, or smells that don’t bother others. For example, a child may cover their ears when the vacuum is on or refuse to touch anything slightly messy.

Under-reactive to Sensory Input

They may not respond to loud noises or may need to be touched firmly to feel tactile input. 

Difficulty with Balance and Coordination

They may appear clumsy and have trouble with activities that require balance, like riding a bike.

Easily Distracted

Sensory overload can interfere with the ability to focus, which can make a child have trouble paying attention or seem easily distracted. 

Difficulty Transitioning Between Tasks or Environments

Your child may get upset by changes in routines or transitions in daily activities, such as going from school to home. Many children struggle with transitions and routine changes, but children with sensory issues are prone to getting particularly upset because they can get overwhelmed by unexpected stimuli. 

Unusual Activity Levels

Unusually high or low activity levels are another sign your child may struggle with sensory integration. They may constantly move around or run and crash into things – in children with sensory difficulties, this is typically them seeking proprioceptive input, which is from weight and pressure. Crashing into walls or throwing themselves onto furniture can be a way to get that pressure in their muscles and joints. Or they may seem unusually sedentary, which could be an indication that they are trying to avoid sensory overload by staying within their comfort zone.

Social and Behavioral Challenges

A child’s difficulties processing sensory information can impact their behavior and emotional regulation. All children struggle with behavior and emotional regulation, but for children with sensory sensitivities, these challenges can be invisibly exacerbated by overwhelming sensory stimuli, causing them to break down or throw tantrums that seem sudden or random, but are actually due to a build up of upsetting sensory input.  

An occupational therapy evaluation is recommended if a child regularly exhibits several of these signs. An experienced pediatric occupational therapist can run tests to measure the child’s sensory processing and integration abilities. This can confirm if there are sensory issues that need to be addressed. From there they can work on finding tools and strategies to help with sensory processing and emotional regulation for your child. 

When speaking to your child’s therapist or physician, make sure you provide detailed examples of the behaviors of concern. This will help them better understand the nature of the difficulties the child is having due to poor sensory processing.

Helpful Products from Stacy’s Sensory Solutions  

Once you realize your child has sensory sensitivities, sensory tools and activities tailored to the child’s needs can be very helpful. Occupational therapy often plays a pivotal role. Even without an official SPD diagnosis, you can still use tools to help your child with any level of sensory sensitivity!  

Stacy’s Sensory Solutions offers a variety of tools and equipment to help children with sensory processing challenges. Here are a few sensory support options we have available in our online and brick-and-mortar shop.

  • Weighted blankets, vests, toys, and other items – These weighted items apply gentle pressure that can have a calming effect on many children with sensory issues. Stacy’s Sensory Solutions offers many weighted options from blankets, neck wraps, plush animals, and much more, all with different weights and fittings for children of all ages and sizes.
  • Therapy swings – Swinging motions provide strong sensory input through the vestibular system that can assist with overall integration. Therapy swings like our Heavyweight Lycra Swing provide a great place for children to get compression and vestibular input within a cozy, enclosed safe spot.
  • Chewables – Chewing helps some children focus and self-regulate emotions. Chewables provides a safe way to get pressure in your jaw as well as oral-motor input. Stacy’s Sensory Solutions has various styles, from pendants to bracelets, including our exclusive Cool Cords that are made specifically for those who like to chew on their shirt collars.
  • Visual timers and schedules – Timers and schedules with a visual component can help children manage transitions and activities. While Stacy’s offers a variety of handy interactive Time Management Charts, this solution is one that’s easily applied to your child’s life through modern applications!
  • Fidget tools – Having tools that allow fidgeting and sensory input can help children stay focused and self-regulated. Stacy’s Sensory Solutions has a wide selection that we offer in our sensory bundles that target specific areas of sensory input, plus our popular School Support Kit which is full of things hand-picked for focusing at school.
  • Sound-Reduction ear muffs – For children with sound sensitivity, these ear muffs block out overwhelming noise and let your child seamlessly transition between noisy environments. 

The products from Stacy’s Sensory Solutions are curated or custom-designed specially to provide sensory input. Our products assist with sensory integration and regulation. 

If your child struggles with sensory differences, Stacy’s Sensory Solutions provides products to support their growth and success.

Find Your Sensory Solution

Does your child shy away from certain textures, have trouble sitting still, or often seem not to hear you? Sensory sensitivities may be the reason, and also the first step for finding solutions. 

With the right supports, children with sensory issues can live full, healthy lives. 

Contact us today to learn more about our products and solutions.

Making January a Celebration of Mental Wellness for Those with Sensory Needs

January is Mental Health Awareness Month, dedicated to raising awareness and promoting mental wellness for all. For those with sensory sensitivities, like children on the autism spectrum or adults with anxiety disorders, mental health can be deeply impacted by sensory experiences. Finding ways to support mental wellness through thoughtful sensory engagement can make a big difference. That’s where the team at Stacy’s Sensory Solutions Steps in.

Weighted blankets, fidget toys, sound machines, and other sensory products we provide can create pleasant sensory input that has calming, focusing, and grounding effects. 

Many simple, creative sensory activities can support mental wellness this month as well. Here are some ideas for celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month through sensory engagement:

Soothe With Scents

Create a calming scent experience at home by gathering items with pleasant smells like lemons, lavender, fresh coffee, vanilla, or pine needles. Place them in small bowls around your home or office to provide little whiffs of soothing scents. Essential oil diffusers are another option for dispersing calming aromas. 

At Stacy’s Sensory Solutions, we understand how beneficial a great scent can be for a calm mind. We invite you to explore our essential oil options and purchase from our wide range of 15 ML essential oil bottles. 

Get Moving and Fidgeting

Movement and fidgeting provide sensory input and stress relief. Take relaxing walks outdoors, stretch, dance to music, or take your dog to the dog park. 

If you have the wiggles and can’t go out, we say get a small sensory toy like a fidget spinner. These offer an easy, portable outlet of release that calms the mind and helps you get in the right state at the right time.

Enjoy Textures

Add tactilely pleasing objects around your home, like thick cozy throw blankets, soft cushions, or pieces of portable pocket putty. Tracing hands along different textures can have a centering effect. 

If you need a more permanent sensory station in your home, texture boxes with various materials glued inside are good sensory tools.

Listen to Soothing Sounds

Curate calming playlists or nature soundtracks to listen to while resting, reading or working. Sounds like ocean waves, rainfall, or forest bird songs release tension. If outside noise disturbs you, try noise-canceling headphones or a white noise machine.

Sip and Savor

Mindful tasting of food and drink engages the senses. Brew a fresh pot of herbal tea, notice its aromas, and slowly savor the flavors. For younger children who need sensory relief, let them decorate their plates with food with fun pictures or shapes. 

Create Cozy Spaces 

Designate a comfy corner, nook, or room for relaxing sensory experiences. Use soft blankets, pillows, bean bag chairs, fairy lights, and stuffed animals to create a peaceful retreat space. Play calming music or nature sounds to enhance the vibe.

At Stacy’s Sensory Solutions, we help families and businesses create sensory rooms and spaces on their properties. From a simple relaxation corner to a full-blown sensory experience, we can help you create the perfect sensory room for your family.

Find Your Mental Groove This January

When it comes to celebrating mental wellness with sensory sensitivity on the table, the key is finding sensory experiences that create pleasant feelings of calm and comfort for your unique needs. 

Notice activities that make you feel happiest and most relaxed. Avoid sensory input that feels overwhelming. Be patient and compassionate with yourself or your child as you discover soothing sensory strategies.

For those seeking sensory products, Stacy’s Sensory Solutions has a range of tools like weighted vests and blankets, fidgets, and beyond. With our thoughtful selections in-store and online, we know our products help people of all ages find sensory comfort.

Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month With Stacy’s Sensory Solutions

This Mental Health Awareness Month, be kind to yourself and your senses. Look for small daily ways to care for your mental well-being through engaging your senses. The simple act of letting a scented candle soothe your nerves or taking a mini sensory break handling clay can work wonders. 

With some creativity, compassion, and help from Stacy’s Sensory Solutions, you can make this month an uplifting celebration of mental health.

How will you bring more sensory wellness into your January? Contact us today to get the relaxation started.

Cozy Up Your Home with Sensory Items for Ultimate Comfort

Our homes should be a sanctuary where we can relax, recharge, and feel totally at ease. However, pure relaxation can be difficult if you are one of the many who live with sensory sensitivities.

Fortunately, at Stacy’s Sensory Solutions, we understand that surrounding yourself with comforting sensory items is a great way to create a cozier home environment, and we’re here to bring them to you! 

The right pressure items, textures, scents, sounds, and more can help melt away stress when you walk through the door. Here’s a closer look at some sensory items that will make your home feel like a warm hug!

Soft Textures for Lounging

Texture can be a thing that makes or breaks your comfort levels. However, at Stacy’s Sensory Solutions, we know that at the end of the day, nothing beats curling up with something delightfully soft when you want to relax. From blankets to cute stuffies that we offer at our online and Plano stores, Stacy’s has several textured items that bring your comfort home.

Weighted Throw Blankets

Throw blankets are something we regularly incorporate in the sensory packs we create for our customers. A weighted throw blanket lets you get comfortable while snuggling into a warm embrace in your favorite spot in your home. 

Weighted blankets are essential for any home. We create our in-house and ensure they are soft with a minky fabric and come stocked with virgin glass microbeads that ensure equal weight distribution for a calming, pressurized experience. The ultimate feeling of Hygge.

Soothing Scents for Relaxation 

Fill your home with calming scents to help you decompress. Scents can be powerful triggers that put our minds at ease. 

Set the mood with candles or essential oils in relaxing fragrances like lavender, eucalyptus, jasmine, and sandalwood. Place them in your bedroom, bathroom, and living spaces so tranquil aromas surround you and bring on the comfort.

Use essential oil diffusers to continuously scent your air. Diffusers gradually release calming fragrances to establish a soothing ambiance. They’re great to have in an office or bedroom.


Although potpourri isn’t something we offer at Stacy’s, we’d be remiss to not mention it. To add to the calm in your home, simmer a potpourri mix on the stove or use bowls of dried potpourri around your home. The floral and spice mixed scents will waft through the house, promoting relaxation.

White Noise Machine

A white noise machine is something we like to include in the sensory rooms we create for homeowners and organizations. These machines create a gentle static or fan sound that blocks out disruptive noises so you can unwind. Have one on your nightstand to promote better sleep.

Nature Sounds 

Listen to recordings of nature like ocean waves, rainfall, or forest sounds. These calm the mind and body and connect us to the peaceful rhythms of nature. Play them while lounging or sleeping.

Textural Touches for Your Hands

Engage your sense of touch with tactile home accents. Handling comforting textures reduces stress.

Stress balls are an excellent way to unwind after a hard day. Keep squishy stress balls around your house and give them a squeeze when you need to decompress. Their yielding, moldable texture is very calming and a big reason why they are used in anger management stress relief strategies.

Fidget toys like water beads, sensory rings, or wire puzzles give your hands nice textures to interact with. Fiddling with them helps melt away the day’s stresses and helps you focus on getting yourself in a calm sense of mind when settling into your home.

Bring More Comfort into Your Life With Stacy’s Sensory Solutions

Filling your living spaces with items that appeal to your senses is a simple way to make your home a relaxing retreat. So, let us help you explore different cozy textures, scents, sounds, and tactile touches to see what helps you feel most at ease. 

At Stacy’s Sensory Solutions, we have a multitude of sensory items that produce calming effects and help you feel right at home. Ready to start adding more comfort to your life? Check out the sensory care packages from Stacy’s Sensory Solutions or stop in at our Plano location. 

With curated boxes of delightful sensory products shipped right to your door, Stacy makes it easy to coat your home in comfort. Contact us today to learn more about our product availability.

Celebrating Stacy’s Sensory Solutions: A Sensory Haven for Kids and Adults Alike

No matter who you are, you want to be comfortable in your surroundings. With so many visual and audible distractions in our lives, it’s easy to lose track of this comfort and become overstimulated and overwhelmed.

Stacy’s Sensory Solutions is a unique store in Plano, Texas, that brings back the calm in your life and provides therapeutic tools and safe spaces for people of all ages and abilities. 

While a lot of our business is done nationwide online, many people aren’t aware that we also have a brick-and-mortar location. We are located at the intersection of Coit Road and 15th Street, across the street from Jiffy Lube.

If you live in the area or are visiting Texas, don’t wait for your custom sensory orders. Stop into our shop and discover why we are one of the nation’s most trusted sensory tool providers. 

Don’t take our word for it. We know our rave customer reviews speak for themselves. Let’s look at some things people have been saying about our special shop.

Our Plano Store Offers an Endless Selection of Sensory-Friendly Products

One of the biggest draws of Stacy’s is the huge array of sensory-friendly products we offer. 

From weighted blankets and compression tools we create in-house to fidget toys and tactile art supplies, our Plano store has something for everyone. 

Many parents rave about the variety of chewelry, swings, and social-emotional tools that have been life-changing for their kids. 

There are also plenty of options for adults, like aroma diffusers and massage tools that can help with stress and anger management. 

As one happy dad shared, his daughter with autism has many sensory needs, and Stacy helped them find a sensory floor panel, chewy necklace, and other solutions perfectly tailored to her.

We believe that every sensory need can be met, and we’re ready to welcome you and your family through our doors. Let us help you find your comfort zone.

We Have a Knowledgeable, Caring Staff

In addition to our stellar products, many happy customers emphasize the staff’s compassion and expertise. 

One mom described how one of our employees patiently guided her daughter to try things in a friendly, open way. 

Stacy and her staff truly take time to listen and make thoughtful recommendations, especially for new parents navigating their child’s sensitivities. 

We believe our genuine concern for helping each person find the right solutions comes through with every customer we meet in our Plano location.

A calm, inclusive environment

Our store’s thoughtful design also receives consistent praise from our visitors. We’ve paid attention to every detail to create an inclusive space where anyone can feel welcome. 

With muted lighting, cozy spaces, and no loud or jarring music, Stacy’s offers a peaceful sanctuary that minimizes overwhelming sensory input. 

Families appreciate the welcoming vibe for people of all abilities. One delighted customer called it her heaven, while others are thankful for the ability to fully explore and test products before purchasing. From the sentimental reviews, it’s clear Stacy’s provides more than just products. We offer a safe, understanding community.

Our Help Goes Beyond Our Doorstep

We love to have guests in our store, but our footprint only goes so far. If you are someone in need of a sensory room or sensory station for your home, we offer sensory room creative services that can help you mold a haven for your senses at your home or work.

Meet Your Sensory Needs With Stacy’s Sensory Solutions

So, for sensory-friendly items, information, and acceptance, Stacy’s Sensory Solutions is a treasured resource for many. It’s the kind of special, nurturing place you have to experience yourself.

Contact us today to learn more about our location, or just visit us at 1220 Coit Road #102, in Plano, TX!

Using Sensory Items for Anger Management

Anger is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. However, uncontrolled or mismanaged anger can lead to relationship problems, health issues, and a decreased quality of life. 

Finding constructive ways to manage anger is important for overall well-being. Using sensory rooms or specific sensory items can be an effective strategy for regulating emotions and calming yourself when feeling angry or frustrated.

At Stacy’s Sensory Solutions, we love tending to our customers’ sensory needs with the various sensory products we supply. If you or a loved one are experiencing anger management issues, here’s a closer look at how you can use sensory products to help work through angry emotions.

How Sensory Items Help with Anger Management

Sensory items work by providing distraction or stimulation to your senses. Things you can see, hear, touch, taste, or smell can shift your focus away from whatever is causing your anger. 

Sensory input engages your brain’s thinking center, allowing you to gain control over the emotional center. Staying grounded in the present moment with sensory items can stop anger from escalating by interrupting the biological “fight or flight” response.

Deep-pressure touch, like touch found in our house-made weighted blankets and rhythmic or repetitive sensory input, is especially helpful for self-soothing. The sensations send calming signals to the nervous system and can help ease angry feelings. 

Using sensory items as a coping tool gives you a healthy way to release anger and frustration without taking it out on others.

Different Types of Sensory Items for Anger Management

There are many possibilities when it comes to using sensory items for anger management. Experiment to find which techniques work best for your needs. Here are some categories of sensory items to try.

Fidget Toys

Small handheld toys you can manipulate with your fingers provide distraction and sensory input. Some popular fidget toys that can help ease stress and anger include the following:

  • Stress balls
  • Silly putty or other stretchy/moldable materials
  • Spinners or rotating disks
  • Rubik’s cubes or other puzzle toys
  • Tangle therapy toys

Having a fidget toy in your pocket to squeeze or play with when you start feeling angry can help calm you down quickly. The physical movement helps release the angry energy. Make sure the toy isn’t easily breakable though – nothing is worse than breaking a fidget when you are trying to calm yourself down.

Textured Items 

Items with interesting textures are soothing to touch when you’re in a state of anger or stress. They provide sensory stimulation and bring you into the present moment. Examples include:

  • Soft stuffed animals
  • Faux fur or squishy fabrics
  • Stress blankets or stress lap pads with bumps, ribs, or plush textures 
  • Beaded pillows
  • Textured plastic balls

Hold or stroke these textured items and pay close attention to the sensations in your hands to help diffuse anger.


Smells have a strong connection to memories and emotions in the brain. Certain natural essential oils are known for their calming properties. 

Try putting a few drops of relaxing scents like lavender, clary sage, or marjoram on a tissue or cotton ball. 

Take in the aroma when you feel angry. Shower steamers and oil diffusers can fill a space with a peaceful fragrance that can calm an angry episode.

Visual Stimulation 

Looking at something visually interesting engages your sense of sight to distract you from angry feelings. Calming visualization options include: 

  • Kaleidoscope toys
  • Lava lamps
  • Fish tanks or aquariums 
  • Soothing nature videos or photos
  • Coloring books and markers
  • Glitter jars or bottles

The visual input shifts your focus away from whatever, or whoever, you are angry at. The repetitive motion of the lava lamp or kaleidoscope can have an especially hypnotic effect that completely impacts how one displays their emotions.

Tips for Using Sensory Items Effectively

Here are some tips for making sensory anger management techniques as constructive as possible.

Keep sensory items easily accessible. Whether you’re carrying small toys in your pocket or bag, it’s easier to control your anger when sensory items are always on hand when needed.

Using sensory stimulation works best alongside deep breathing exercises that calm the nervous system.

Finally, make using sensory items a routine, once you know they work. The more consistently you practice with sensory items, the more effective they will be at interrupting automatic anger responses over time.  

Build a Sensory Kit

Once you identify specific sensory items that work well for you, consider working with Stacy’s Sensory Solutions to put together a portable sensory toolkit you can always have on the go. This gives you everything needed for anger management in one place. Your kit might include:

  • Stress ball
  • Fidget cube
  • Tangle toys
  • Coloring book and pencil crayons
  • Playdough 
  • Essential oils, and more!

Keep your toolkit someplace easily accessible at home, in the office, or in the car. These packs are great because they let you know you always have multiple sensory options available whenever anger arises.

Stacy’s Sensory Solutions Helps People of All Ages

Whether you’re an adult or a child living with anger management needs, Stacy’s Sensory Solutions is here to help. 

Anger is a normal part of life. But with the right sensory tools and strategies, out-of-control anger does not have to be an issue. 

Our tools provide many options for using the senses to calm yourself quickly and effectively in heated moments. Pay attention to what sensory stimulation works best for you. 

With practice over time, you can gain control over anger and choose healthy responses that you feel good about.

Contact us today to learn more about our products and services.

Come see us!