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Schedule a Consultation

Everyone at Stacy’s Sensory Solutions is happy to chat with you and answer your questions if you give us a call or shoot us an email. But if you have a big project or need a lot of help and direction about sensory problems, then Stacy is available for private consultations!

This is perfect for those who:

  • Are designing a sensory room or sensory space
  • Want Stacy to design custom sensory bundles for
    their organization
  • Anyone who needs one-on-one guidance on sensory
    issues and solutions
  • Anyone who is looking for a deeper understanding of
    sensory integration

To see more information on these services, please see our Partner With Us page! If you think a consultation might be right for you, please fill out this form, and we’ll get in touch with you about some more details and scheduling your consultation. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Get in touch with Stacy, she’s here to help!

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