Adult Landing

Sensory Products & Tools For Adults

Selling sensory products for adults, designed to induce calmness and promote relaxation. Take control of your environment and make it work for you. 

We use unique, custom-made products to give your loved ones the comfort they deserve.

We find that many adults struggle with finding products that address specific issues leading to difficulties with focus and/or anxiety. Engaging the power of sensory integration is critical to addressing these struggles. We offer an assortment of products that are beneficial to restoring a state of calm and help individuals to feel safe in their own skin. In addition, these sensory tools for adults can be used to keep the brain focused and on-task, creating success on the job and at home.

In our experience in the world of adults that struggle with focus and anxiety, we have discovered that there are six major areas that we can positively impact through our product development.

We have color coded our six solutions in order to make your experience simple and consistent in your search for products that will positively impact your own life or the lives of those you love.

Sensory Solutions

We find that many adults struggle with finding products that address specific issues that lead to added anxiety and discomfort with their own environment. We offer an assortment of sensory products for adults that are proven to calm and comfort and make everyone in your home feel safe in their own skin.


Engage that brain! Whether it’s through fidgets designed to help you focus or puzzles to keep your mind sharp, cognitive engagement keeps your brain active and alert.


Pressure is often overlooked in a sensory diet, but using a weighted blanket, lap pad, or neck wrap can provide comfort, focus, and anxiety relief! Weighted blankets in particular have been known to help with sleep difficulties due to anxiety.


These sensory tools for adults are meant to keep you on track through out your day. Personal care, sleeping, social distancing—anything that makes your efforts more productive and helps you spend your time efficiently.


These sensory solutions target the information your brain receives from the environment around you–sight, smell, hearing, and touch to name a few. Your senses tell the brain if you are safe and should be relaxed, or if you are unsafe and should be anxious. We need tools to help our bodies handle the information the brain receives and respond appropriately. This can provide comfort and enhance focus on tasks!


Many of us spend too much time sitting down—the solutions in this section are designed to introduce a little more action into your day! Whether through staying active or active seating, these sensory solutions will help get you moving around!


Managing anxiety is different for everyone, and it’s important to find what way works for you. Whether it’s through mindfulness, aromatherapy, pressure, fidgets, or your own blend, we’ve got something for you.

Let's start with identifying the areas that need attention.

Engage that brain!

Use weighted items for calming and regulation.

Things to make your everyday easier.


Manage anxiety with a variety of strategies.

Engage the power of sensory integration to provide comfort and focus.

Keep active when you can!

Ordered some wonderful sensory products from their site, shipping was fast, and they did an AMAZING job filling out the personal requests for the order, even including handwritten notes about the changes made! Would 100% recommend to anyone looking for sensory products, they are a wonderful business and I am thankful for the professionalism and the wide array of products offered. Thank you Stacy’s Sensory Solutions!

Groups with whom we work to find solutions for the people they serve.

Iggy Iguana

Stacy's Sensory Solutions



Customers Reviews

What are people saying?

It is always nice doing business with you, but we never expected for you to go above and beyond for us. You are truly appreciated, thank you!
Your blankets not only give my clients the sensory input they need, but are made with excellent quality that will last a long time. I think it is so great how you cater to each child's specific interests and make something they truly will enjoy using.
Occupational Therapist

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